Version 3.0 of the System 7 Pack! integrates Finder 7 Menus!, Application╤Document Linker!, and Rename Delay Editor! into one application.
New users will receive a new password for the entire package. However, this is still a FREE upgrade (all upgrades have been free) for all users. My only request is that you recommend the System 7 Pack! to other Mac users you know. Word-of-mouth sales are an extremely important part of shareware.
If you've registered╔
the System 7 Pack! (all three applications), then type in the passwords for Finder 7 Menus and Application Document Linker together. If the password for Finder 7 Menus! was BOTTLE and the password for Application Document Linker was CAN, you would type BOTTLECAN.
Finder 7 Menus or App╤Doc Linker, type in your password. To upgrade to the entire System 7 Pack!, please send a check or money order in the amount of $14.95 to my address. I cannot accept upgrade orders by credit cards, only by mail.